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Our Mission at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church

Our Mission

Welcome All

Grow Faithfully

Serve God and Our



Our Vision

Called and empowered by the Holy Spirit to share God’s grace...
We will gather for worship to praise God, to be strengthened by His Word and Sacraments and to be sent forth to live our faith.

We will gather for fellowship and friendship to grow as God’s family.
We will provide settings for ministry that reach all, especially children and youth, to help them learn how to grow in their faith.
We will provide opportunities to serve God by reaching out in Christian love beyond the church to serve our community. We will be loving stewards of God’s gifts.


The “Community Outreach Committee”, recently formed to replace “Caring and Sharing”, has met with 11 new members, actively participating in the many programs we have planned.

Christian Education plans and coordinates the Christian Education programs for all ages in the church. This includes Sunday School, Kids Night Out, Vacation Bible School, Adult education and Bible studies.

Fellowship plans and coordinates the fellowship events of the church, including  the annual picnic, weekly coffee hours, annual 90-year old recognition, Valentines party, special receptions and numerous other fellowship opportunities.

Finance oversees the financial obligations of the church, including recording deposits and efficiently and accurately administering payment of all bills.  In addition, this ministry ensures annual audits of the financial records are conducted.

Good Shepherd involves the shepherding of the Holy Trinity flock.  Among other things, we bring communion to our homebound members, flowers to those hospitalized, weekly bulletins and sermons to homebound members.  In addition this ministry oversees the visitation program and assimilating of new members into the life of the church.

Mutual Ministry handles praises and pinches, coordinates annual appraisals of the church staff and supports the pastors.

Evangelism ministry coordinates the welcoming of visitors to the congregation.  This ministry monitors the Friendship pads, delivers soup mixes/information packs to visitors, keeps our brochure up to date and distributes and handles our advertising in local newspapers for worship services and special events.

Property is responsible for the upkeep and management of our church property.

Stewardship is responsible for educating the congregation as to the obligation of whole-life stewardship and managing the annual pledge drive.

Worship and Music coordinates the worship and music life of the church.  This ministry is responsible for all worship services, the many volunteers that help out with each service, music programs and the altar guild.

Youth is responsible for the development and execution of programs that involve our young people through high school.

© 2025 by Holy Trinity Lutheran Church

2565 Tamiami Trail, Port Charlotte, FL 33952

Office 941-625-5262, Fax 941-625-7201

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